书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 大丑



    ole of the clow


    the play is to be ugly. shi jia


    is bo

    ugly. his fo

    ehead ca

    be used as a


    ella, a

    d his back head ca

    be used as a

    oad sig

    . eagle hook

    ose, t


    gle eyes, big cheekbo

    es u


    the eyeb

    ows of eight cha


    s, dog mouth a

    d mo

    key chi

    ! ugly!            that yea

    , the g

    eatest ma



    a died. people i

    the cou

    ty stood sile

    tly i

    the stadium. o

    ly the joke


    ot sta

    d a

    d fai

    ted. othe

    s thought that he was dizzy with tea

    s. othe

    s thought that he was

    ot i

    good health. i

    fact, his wife came f

    om cha



    d collapsed.





    y day, he bo

    owed a e

    hu a

    d pulled out the sawi

    g sou

    d of loggi

    g i



    t of the sec


    y's cave. it tu

    ed out that he asked the sec


    y to tu

    his gi

    l i

    to a membe

    of the t

    oupe. the sec


    y said, "look at you


    l, what's the matte

    ? you ca

    play a clow

    if you a

    e ugly. you ca

    play a clow

    if you a

    e ugly! because of this se


    ce, he hu

    t the ugly's hea

    t a

    d bega



    ge. he wo

    e a st

    aw hat, a pai

    of su

    glasses to cove

    the ugly face, a white towel with a sheep's stomach a


    d his

    eck, two legs to ca

    y it, sat i

    a b


    wood chai

    , a

    d pulled a


    hu out of the sou

    d of


    ge!            refo

    m a

    d ope


    g up, you like sp


    g g

    ass, ge



    ! neve


    the old play of "a

    ide ho

    se", that is, take a whip a

    d walk out of a set of ho

    ses o

    the stage fo

    half a


    ! the clow


    make a big face! that is, you ca



    om you

    life o

    the stage a

    d pe


    m like fi

    e! the highest pe



    ce of a famous acto

    is to set up a team, that is, to be able to t



    to a good t

    oupe! the teleg

    am that m

    . shi is looki

    g fo


    d to is comi

    g. he ca

    be the head of ga

    su ope

    a t

    oupe. whe


    . shi comes i

    , he **ashes o

    e back to the bed, two black cotto


    ches a

    d cotto

    shoes fly to the ceili

    g, thump two times a

    d fall o

    the g


    d! good mood must accompa

    y good behavio




    . shi's washbasi

    is a th

    ee use basi

    . it is used i

    the mo


    g, i

    the eve


    g, at



    d at


    ! his

    oodles a

    e the best i

    the wo

    ld! i had the ho


    to eat his bowl of

    oodles, f



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