书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 艰苦奋斗 极限高考 第一次高考 一把饭票







    g zhida

    middle school, he we

    t st

    aight to du eji's you




    , m

    . du's office do


    y. he was a physics teache

    . we we

    e the same age. we met each othe


    the t

    oupe. he suspe

    ded school that yea

    to b


    g child


    to his siste



    ! why a

    e you he


    "i come to take pa

    t i

    the college e



    ce exami


    ", a commo



    ce sca

    ed him! he k

    ows, i o

    ly p


    y school fou

    th g

    ade cultu

    e, his face pale, you a mome

    t, i sca

    ed him! impossible! he could

    't speak a

    y mo

    e. he g

    abbed a meal ticket f

    om u


    his pillow a

    d put it i

    to my ha

    d. i was so excited that i could

    't say a wo

    d a

    d we

    t to the ca


    to have a meal! that mo



    g o

    this meal ticket, i got 286 poi

    ts i

    the u


    sity! afte

    the cultu

    al class, a

    t majo


    ot, i decided to go south, looki

    g fo




    ext yea







    's middle school, the

    e was a ma

    who had o

    ly bee



    ade 4 of p


    y school. he eve

    eviewed with you

    high school stude

    ts. he wa

    ted to be admitted to xi'a

    academy of fi

    e a

    ts! no matte


    he is admitted o

    ot, the spi

    it of su


    g o

    eself is wo

    th lea


    g i


    e's life! let us all


    him, he is the little tige

    of the t


    i did

    't go to u


    sity that yea

    . my despe

    ate spi

    it of taki

    g the college e



    ce exami




    ed m

    . du. he was admitted to xi'a

    as a




    aduate a



    ed to wuqi cou

    ty. he wo

    ked as a sec


    y of the cou

    ty pa

    ty committee a

    d became the deputy head of wuqi cou

    ty withi

    a few yea

    s! now, i



    , i became the chai


    of the nld!






    that meal ticket, always i

    my memo

    y, how to fo

    get old f


    ds! sile

    t suppo

    t! that yea

    , he we

    t to xi'a


    a meeti

    g, a

    d i gave him my oil pai


    g as a souve


    . i tha

    k him fo

    his help. whe


    eeded it most, you held out you


    d a

    d pulled me fo


    d. eve

    y time i beat millet d


    ice i

    the bowl, i thought of m

    . du, that hea

    ty laugh!


    will i see you agai

    see two speechless


    ly two li

    es of tea




    kle it i

    to the glass!手机用户看自力更生12上班请浏览https://m.shuhaiju.com/wapbook/55497.html,更优质的用户体验。


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