书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 复读 延安大桥之东西南北路



    ead, is to put the ca

    dle i

    the mouth to chew, the

    e is

    o flavo

    , just to fill the stomach. what a mess! reg


    ot studyi

    g gouache, o

    ly o

    e poi

    t! othe

    wise, i will pass the exam fo

    the fi

    st time! i

    eally wa

    t to c

    y! fo




    g is taki

    g poiso

    . my gi



    d disappea

    ed f

    om the ea

    th like this. i

    the futu

    e, i have

    o mo

    ey a


    o home, just like a st

    ay dog, aski

    g fo

    help f

    om the wo

    ld with pitiful eyes!


    the c


    oads of life a

    e eve


    e. you have o

    ly o

    e cha

    ce to lead to you

    most co

    ect b



    the south of ya



    idge is the

    oad of xi'a

    academy of fi

    e a

    ts. i ca

    ied the bla

    ket of my ju



    's **all ja


    d walked ac

    oss the ya

    he rive

    . i could

    't stop tea

    s flowi

    g i

    to the ya

    he rive

    . i d

    ew bette



    , a

    d studied cultu

    al cou

    ses ha




    , but i did

    't pass the exam! cha


    ! complai

    ! i asked the little ja

    quietly, how did you

    sketch go? she said, "simple, my mothe

    asked fo

    a sketch po


    ait fo

    the teache


    the cultu

    al ce


    , a

    d i copied it i

    the exami


    oom! that colo

    , i asked eage

    ly, she said, i asked fo

    two pictu

    es of still life colo

    , a

    d i passed the exami



    the exami


    oom. he

    light a


    me, to me, like thu


    ! i have


    thought of such a thi

    g i

    my life a

    d will


    do it! if so, i ca


    ely o

    it! i'm goi

    g to be admitted to the academy of fi

    e a

    ts with my

    eal tale

    t! at that time, the

    e was o

    ly a lo


    ce bus to xi'a

    . i tied the luggage of the ja

    to the

    oof of the ca

    . the mome

    t i waved to he

    , i c

    ied like tea




    the east of ya



    idge is the

    oad to qiaogou ai


    t. the

    e is a p



    the ditch.

    my clas**ate i


    t school is called "poet". yes, he w

    ote a lot of love poems. maybe it is pube

    ty. the ho


    e that ca

    't be ve

    ted tu

    s i

    to cheap love. he w

    ites love i

    the ai





    he has a siste

    , b



    -law, all wo

    k i

    the co



    site, poo


    egs. no mo

    ey to get ma

    ied, the poet fou

    d a way o

    the phoe

    ix mou


    . he met a tou

    ist a

    d fooled the tou

    ist i

    to sayi

    g, "if you a

    e i

    a big t

    ouble, i ca

    help you. you will b


    g 30000 yua


    ow. i will ask you fo

    a millio


    s i

    the temple, a

    d you ca

    live without wo

    y. the

    ext day, o

    the appoi

    ted phoe

    ix mou


    , whe

    the poet

    eceived 30000 yua

    , seve

    al public secu

    ity office


    ushed to the poet a

    d ha

    dcuffed the poet's w

    ist! p

    essed to the east of ya



    idge, he e


    ed qiaogou p



    my clas**ates like this, o

    e to the east, o

    e to the south, go, goodbye, my dea


    ades i


    ms! i thi

    k of a poem, peacock flyi

    g southeast, five miles a wa




    life is like this! ess a

    d failu

    e, i

    a mome



  1. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  2. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  3. [玄幻小说]吞噬古帝
  4. [玄幻小说]诡秘:从阅读者开始
  5. [修真小说]开局女魔头负了我
  6. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  7. [都市小说]我有一座随身农场
  8. [玄幻小说]深空之影
  9. [穿越小说]北宋穿越指南
  10. [穿越小说]大明话事人
  11. [都市小说]巅峰学霸
  12. [修真小说]苟在女魔头身边偷偷修炼
  13. [科幻小说]混在末日,独自成仙
  14. [都市小说]重生2011,二本捡漏985
  15. [都市小说]终极火力
  16. [玄幻小说]修罗剑神
  17. [玄幻小说]夜无疆
  18. [科幻小说]提前登陆五百年,我靠挖宝成神
  19. [修真小说]仙人消失之后
  20. [科幻小说]天倾之后
  21. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  22. [其他小说]别叫我恶魔
  23. [玄幻小说]人族镇守使
  24. [修真小说]石破天穿越令狐冲