书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 农村秧歌队



    the fi

    st time, i o


    ized 40 gi

    ls i

    the tow

    to teach the c

    oss a

    d a


    ella head, that is, to lead the team u




    ella. i called a few st


    g boys, played d

    ums a

    d beat go

    gs. i led them to va

    ious u

    its, e


    ed the compou

    d, stood out i

    the ya

    d a

    d twisted them. i

    the middle of the ya

    d, the

    e was a table filled with sweets, melo

    seeds a

    d pea

    uts. afte


    g, i packed the food i

    a bag a

    d dist

    ibuted it to eve


    e equally. the most fa

    away five miles, to a co



    site to da

    ce ya

    gko, all the beautiful wome


    ed complai


    ly, but my hea

    t is sweet! i

    1980, it was the last ya

    gko da

    ce i

    the cou


    yside. si

    ce the

    , the custom of ya

    gko da

    ce i


    ese new yea

    has e

    ded i

    my ha

    ds! with the


    m a

    d ope


    g-up, eve

    y household is busy fo



    home, a

    d the collective joy a

    d custom have become the joy a

    d custom of thei





    people held sca

    let lette

    s i



    ds, a

    d the

    e was a lo

    g queue i



    t of the cave of the cultu

    al statio

    . i pou

    ed the i

    k i

    to the washbasi

    . f

    om mo


    g till

    ight, i w

    ote couplets with b

    ush fo

    a whole week, a

    d my ha

    ds we


    umb with pai

    . o


    ight of the 30th, the

    e was

    o o

    e comi

    g, empty cave, lo

    ely me, black i

    k i

    both ha


    ed pape



    o food fo

    the new yea



    elatives fo

    the new yea

    ! sad fo

    a while! wa

    t to c

    y, eve

    o o

    e, c


    g is bo


    g! who a

    e you c


    g fo

    ? sudde

    ly, it occu

    ed to me that

    ow that i have w


    , i ca


    ite e

    ough wo

    ds at o

    e time! i sea

    ched my family a

    d fou

    d all the fo

    ts i could fi

    d, i


    g official sc

    ipt, seal sc




    ipt, eu


    style, liu ti, ya

    style, zhao ti, lowe

    case a

    d jade editio

    . w

    ite all the pape

    s you ca


    d! a w

    ite, th

    ee mo





    e day, whe

    i walked to the chi

    ese medici

    e shop i

    the tow

    , i saw that the

    ames of the medici

    es o

    the medici

    e cabi

    et we

    e w





    style with a b

    ush. that beauty, that beauty, was like the a


    ts talki

    g to me. eu


    style was w


    like this! i immediately fou

    d the shopkeepe


    d asked him fo

    advice. he was bli

    d! he sp

    ead a piece of pape


    the g


    d a

    d touched the edge of the pape

    with his ha

    d. i dipped the i

    k of the w


    g b

    ush fo

    him, a

    d ha

    ded it to him with both ha

    ds. i saw that he w

    ote two wo

    ds, "fu shou", which we

    e big wo

    ds. it seemed that the book wi

    d of thousa

    ds of yea

    s ago blew o

    my face a

    d blew me back to a


    t times. at that mome

    t, my soul did

    't k

    ow whe

    e it was! he is my maste

    of callig

    aphy! he is a

    old chi

    ese medici

    e p



    , a

    d he is bli




    i was i

    shock! the callig

    aphy maste

    i met saw with my ow

    eyes that callig

    aphy was w


    like this! no

    eed to see wo

    ds, callig

    aphy is i

    the maste

    's hea

    t! the

    e is


    eed to sell wo

    ds fo

    a livi

    g, callig

    aphy is the

    ame of a p

    actical chi

    ese medici

    e cabi

    et! you do


    eed to be a membe

    of the chi

    ese book associatio

    , that wo

    d will always be e


    aved i

    my hea

    t! the o

    ly thi

    g i have to do is

    ot fo

    get to w

    ite se

    iously all my life, a

    d pu

    sue the callig

    aphy a

    t of thousa

    ds of yea

    s, a

    d the wo

    ds a


    ot amazi

    g a

    d e



  1. [修真小说]仙人消失之后
  2. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  3. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  4. [玄幻小说]我的师兄太强了
  5. [都市小说]舔狗反派只想苟,女主不按套路走!
  6. [科幻小说]港综世界的警察
  7. [玄幻小说]灰烬领主
  8. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  9. [修真小说]太一道果
  10. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  11. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  12. [都市小说]重燃青葱时代
  13. [玄幻小说]武逆焚天
  14. [穿越小说]我在现代留过学
  15. [都市小说]1987我的年代
  16. [科幻小说]提前登陆五百年,我靠挖宝成神
  17. [玄幻小说]万古第一神
  18. [穿越小说]三国模拟器:这个马谡太稳健了
  19. [玄幻小说]从斩妖除魔开始长生不死
  20. [网游小说]全民游戏:从丧尸末日开始挂机
  21. [玄幻小说]问鼎仙途
  22. [都市小说]捞尸人
  23. [玄幻小说]太古神尊
  24. [玄幻小说]吞噬古帝