书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 梦碎情诗


    1979, whe


    y sp

    ead all ove

    the cou


    y, the

    e was a



    ity. my cousi

    took me to the home of wei shui, a poet i

    baoji, a

    d walked i

    a **all buildi

    g i


    old commu

    ity, a

    d i felt like goi

    g to heave

    ! i sat i

    that **all house o

    the seco

    d floo

    , which was so messy, o



    y a

    d a wo


    's family! his poems a

    e al

    eady the best i


    xi! i'm lost by poet

    y. i do

    't k

    ow the pove

    ty of my life, the b


    of my family, o


    the u




    e of myself!



















    go back to the cultu

    al statio

    , plu

    ge i

    to the sea of poet

    y, visit fo


    ee yea

    s, a

    d ea


    ee yua

    . afte


    ee yea

    s, you will take the exam! my fi

    st poem, "d

    eam" like a d

    eam go to the



    the mo


    g red





    d sto

    e sp


    g, i scooped up the sp


    g full of do

    key du

    g i d


    k half a

    d do

    keys d


    k half. like a d

    eam noo


    cakes i made it f

    om golde


    ice bu

    ed by dead t

    ees i

    the loess plateau i eat half a

    d the mouse half like a d

    eam ice ka

    g at

    ight poet

    y full of d

    eams, mad

    ess i


    glish, sad

    ess i


    y. i sleep half a

    d i sleep half. like a d

    eam college e



    ce exami




    eams the

    e a

    e caves i





    sity a

    d white plaste

    statues i

    the academy of fi

    e a

    ts failu

    e is hell, a

    d ess is heave






    ily a good poem, but a po


    ayal of my

    eal life at that time. poet

    y is a high deg

    ee of emotio


    ed with


    ed la

    guage. it is the highest exp


    of pe


    al p

    actice. th

    ee yea

    s late

    , i gave all my poems to the beautiful poets i




    al ce


    . he

    poems a

    e famous all ove

    the cou


    y, a

    d he

    beauty is tempe


    t, which is ext


    oble! i



    t of he

    , i did

    't da

    e to b

    eathe boldly, a

    d liste

    ed quietly to he


    t out the sho


    gs of my poems. the

    e was o

    ly o

    e poem that she liked. she said, "se

    d o

    e of you

    poems i





    e a

    d a

    t". i'm ecstatic!














    that poem is "autum

    " all

    oads lead to fields a

    d g



    ies golde


    ice pu

    ple buckwheat flowe

    s the white gi

    l's ski

    t exudes happi

    ess all the faces a

    e laughi

    g red a

    d black the su

    's face is **ili

    g, too liste

    , laughte

    is the squeak of a ca


    a wheat field the joy of autum


    ough the white flowe

    s of da



    ough the wi

    e **ell of buildi

    g fists at

    ight, emit the happiest light of the yea


    ough the full g





    without poet

    y, i had to face the

    eality. i failed i

    the e

    glish depa


    t of ya




    sity by 26 poi

    ts. i we

    t to ya


    . i hea

    d that the fi

    st a

    t school e

    olled stude

    ts. i bought 20 kg of buckwheat hazel

    uts i

    the cou


    yside, which ca

    be used as bea

    jelly. i se

    t them to the di


    of the cultu

    al bu

    eau, but i did

    't wa

    t them di

    ectly. my si


    ity moved the di


    , so i ca

    go to study! fa

    ewell to zhida

    , fa

    ewell to poet

    y! i'm goi

    g to sp


    t fo

    xi 'a

    academy of fi

    e a

    ts! the

    eality is c

    uel, i o

    ly have the level of g

    ade 4 i



    y school, a

    d my a

    t is ze

    o! twe

    ty-five is the deadli

    e fo




    g the academy of fi

    e a

    ts. that yea

    , i was 23 yea

    s old! o

    ly two yea

    s, i wa

    t to c

    oss the ju


    high school libe

    al a

    ts books, i wa

    t to c

    oss the se


    high school libe

    al a

    ts books, a

    d mo

    e impo


    tly, i wa

    t to c

    oss the a

    t college e



    ce exami


    ! ca

    i eed? it sou

    ds like a challe

    ge to the impossible!手机用户看自力更生12上班请浏览https://m.shuhaiju.com/wapbook/55497.html,更优质的用户体验。


  1. [玄幻小说]九星神龙诀
  2. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  3. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  4. [修真小说]苟在女魔头身边偷偷修炼
  5. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  6. [科幻小说]混在末日,独自成仙
  7. [修真小说]五仙门
  8. [玄幻小说]反派:我的弟弟是天选之子
  9. [科幻小说]裂天空骑
  10. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  11. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  12. [都市小说]1979黄金时代
  13. [玄幻小说]万世之名
  14. [穿越小说]寒门崛起
  15. [修真小说]开局女魔头负了我
  16. [都市小说]讨逆
  17. [穿越小说]晋末长剑
  18. [玄幻小说]异度荒尘
  19. [都市小说]重回1982小渔村
  20. [穿越小说]机战:先驱者的归来
  21. [其他小说]苟成圣人,仙官召我养马
  22. [穿越小说]大清要完
  23. [科幻小说]诸天从婴开始
  24. [玄幻小说]全民领主:我的亡灵会裂变