书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 别了旦八镇



    ewell, eve

    y autum

    , the melo


    at the c


    oads of the tow

    . eve

    y yea

    , i'm the fi

    st to buy you



    . eve

    y yea

    , i'm you


    st guest. i come to you

    house to d


    k a

    d eat meat! you give me the wa

    mth, f

    om autum

    to wi


    , you

    home is so poo

    , livi

    g o

    the othe

    side of the


    , a hole i


    ock, o

    the low ka

    g, you a

    d i, a


    d the ka

    g table, meat a

    d bo

    e, a pot, a bottle of old white d

    y, you



    ms me, as my

    elatives fo



    my lo

    ely hea



    ewell, da

    ba's busy ma

    ket, f

    om the head of tow

    to the e

    d of tow

    , s

    acks alo

    g the st

    eet, fe


    ted gluti


    ice a

    d eggs, mutto

    chops, yellow

    ice steamed bu

    s, oil cakes, f

    ied dough sticks, potato sc

    aps, chopped buckwheat flou

    , sheep sc

    aps, the s

    ack sta

    d is built with wood, the ta


    is wi


    oof, a

    d the ke


    e lamp is flashi

    g the light of seductio

    , flashi

    g, da

    k, yi

    qi, hit by the spo

    adic oil lamp


    e to hide! o

    the stage, my dea


    s like family a

    e si


    g the same li

    es fo


    ds of yea

    s. liste

    , go! his b



    -law a

    d his seco

    d u

    cle a

    e all his u

    cles. the high table a

    d low be

    ch a

    e all made of wood------




    ewell, peach blossom wate

    , my love i

    the cou


    yside. i walk te

    miles to shilipu. the peach blossom o

    the hillside su


    ds he

    cave. the wate




    t of the doo

    is clea


    d cold. the

    e a

    e seve

    al pieces of pi

    k peach blossom floati

    g o

    the wate


    face. you a

    e beautiful a

    d cold, just like the peach blossom sp


    g wate




    t of you

    house! i'll ca

    y wate



    family, cut you



    's hai

    , pull wheat f

    om you

    wheat field, a

    d e

    joy peach blossom o


    hillside! i t

    eat you

    family as my family a

    d you as my siste

    ! you fou

    d that i did

    ot pull you


    d, you fou

    d that you a

    d i



    icate! i just come a

    d go sile

    tly, just like wate



    look back!


    ewell, the fi

    st ca


    the tow

    with a white spi

    it! if the fa


    is ashamed to pay back the loa

    , he will

    ot be able to

    epay the loa


    the ba

    k! the ca

    , like me, was squatti

    g i

    the cou


    d alo

    e. the spa

    e pa

    ts that could be used we

    e scatte

    ed a

    d scatte

    ed. it looked like i was out of my mi





    ewell, cultu

    al statio

    , afte

    i left, the

    e will be


    ew yea

    's ya


    o blackboa






    o table te

    is e





    o book bo


    g. the

    e is

    o big ba




    by me fo

    the commu

    e meeti



    ewell, ca





    ext doo

    . i've had a whole yea

    's meal i


    house. i do

    't have the co


    s to cook. i'll give you 10 yua

    a mo

    th a

    d 38 catties of food stamps. i'll eat whateve

    you have. i'm

    ot used to di



    d d


    k soup! millet po

    idge, but


    ice! eat a mouthful of pickled vegetables, a

    est. i just to save time,

    ead mo

    e books a

    d study,

    o matte

    how bad it is! fa

    ewell, i sat o

    the ka

    g of his house a

    d left tea

    s! it's like sayi

    g goodbye to you

    family! i sold the woode


    et a

    d the sofa that ca




    g made fo

    me! i am like the a


    t wa

    , backed by the


    , b

    ave fo





    eat! give the cave to the bu

    eau of i


    y a

    d comme

    ce! i took up the o

    ly beddi

    g, ca

    ied it o

    my shoulde


    d we

    t to ya








    , i'm comi

    g. i'm like a

    ed boat. set sail, ya

    g fa

    ! yes, f

    om that day o

    , my

    ame i



    is ya

    g fa




    , i'm he

    e. you a

    e the holy la

    d of

    ed. he

    e, mi

    acles will happe



    ! i

    those days, the red a

    my was able to eed. today, i am su

    e to eed!


    a pe


    with the co


    ce to wi

    , fight to death, a mi

    acle happe



  1. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  2. [都市小说]至尊战王
  3. [都市小说]刚准备高考,离婚逆袭系统来了
  4. [修真小说]五仙门
  5. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  6. [玄幻小说]武道丹帝
  7. [其他小说]全职剑修
  8. [玄幻小说]修罗武神
  9. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  10. [都市小说]国潮1980
  11. [玄幻小说]百炼飞升录
  12. [科幻小说]异度旅社
  13. [玄幻小说]诡秘:从阅读者开始
  14. [玄幻小说]全民领主:我的亡灵会裂变
  15. [玄幻小说]九星神龙诀
  16. [都市小说]捞尸人
  17. [都市小说]女总裁的全能兵王
  18. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  19. [科幻小说]诸天从婴开始
  20. [玄幻小说]龙渊剑神
  21. [玄幻小说]九天斩神诀
  22. [玄幻小说]极道剑尊
  23. [玄幻小说]凌天剑帝
  24. [穿越小说]三国模拟器:这个马谡太稳健了