书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 石头汤


    i sta

    d at the gate of the old beauty ga





    village, cha


    , i feel as if i have e


    ed a d

    eam, which is

    ot t

    ue at all. i ca

    't believe it. o


    1, 1987, i was admitted to the academy of fi

    e a

    ts. my head has bee

    aised all the time, a

    d i ca

    see the eu


    style doo


    d the existe

    ce of the village cottages i


    to each othe

    . what is out of place is the luxu

    y of the buildi

    gs, a

    d the

    eality that the

    ows of caves i




    xi ca

    't exist sy



    ously i

    the backg


    d mou


    ! i stood at the doo

    , thi


    g that i was sto

    e soup!


    it is said that the

    e was a begga

    who we

    t to a village a

    d did


    eed food fo


    ee days. today, if he ca

    't get the

    e, he may die! he made up a sto

    y fo

    his au

    t, sayi

    g that he i


    ted a sto

    e soup, which was delicious. afte

    that, he took a sto

    e, white, like jade! put it i

    the pot of au

    t, she asked, what to add! add wate

    ! what mo

    e! po

    k with black hai

    ! yes, a

    d eight g


    leaves with dewd

    ops i

    the mo


    g! ok i


    , a spoo

    ful of suga

    , two teaspoo

    s of salt, o

    e teaspoo

    of peppe

    , th

    ee teaspoo

    s of sesame seeds, two potatoes, two ca

    ots, o

    e kilog

    am of ve

    micelli, two catties of meatballs, a

    d a bowl of eu

    yale a

    d wate

    ! ok i

    this way, the delicious sto

    e soup is essful!




    g, she fou

    d it delicious! the begga

    also had his o

    ly meal i

    a few days!


    i was that sto

    e. coach ha

    of my t

    oupe taught me to do thi

    gs with 100% effo

    t, eithe

    to do well o

    ot to do them! it's just as b

    oad as the wate

    . put it i

    the ya



    al ce


    , the sketch of m

    . xue, the colo

    of the mo



    g shaoti

    g, the sketch of liu we

    xi, the e

    glish of teache


    , the cave of the cou

    ty pa

    ty committee of zha

    g ke, a

    d a meal ticket of m

    . du, chai


    of ya



    atic league! a

    d cou

    tless people's ki

    d help! i made this sto

    e soup! admitted to the academy of fi

    e a



    'm a sto



    g! delicious

    ice is full of those who help me g

    ow up, without them, the

    e would be

    o such good sto

    e soup!


    i study i



    mal school. i have a fixed amou

    t of meal ticket eve

    y mo

    th. i do

    't wo

    y too much about su

    vival. if i do odd jobs o


    ds, i have pocket mo

    ey. i ca

    be like a college stude




    i we

    t to emei mou




    g, a pai

    of shoes did

    't compete with each othe

    , a

    d the back was fully ope

    ed. i should have wo

    a pai

    of slippe

    s a

    d moved fo


    d with a **ile!

    依然是无法解决的过年问题!我去了澄县交道公社中社村,找见从小给人家当孩子的亲妹妹家,石窑洞 土炕,木封箱,雪白雪白的白膜!在锅底用麦草一烤!年三十的大雪,我用红色的炮炸响这幸福的春天!大年初一,我替妹的养父在油库的独院里睡觉,看院子,一晚挣三毛钱!无比的寂静,无比的孤独,无比的生无可恋!无比的无奈!无比的凄凉!我听见远处的炮声,喜庆的声音,而我,独自一人在中社的油库,过着我独自一人的年。

    it is still a


    solvable new yea

    's p

    oblem! i we

    t to zho

    gshe village of jiaoto

    g commu

    e i




    ty. i fou

    d my siste

    's home, which was used as a child si

    ce childhood. the

    e a

    e ea



    g i

    shiyao cave, woode

    sealed box a

    d s

    ow-white film! bake with wheat st

    aw at the bottom of the pot! o

    the 30th of

    ew yea

    's day, i use the

    ed ca


    to blow up this happy sp


    g! o

    the fi

    st day of

    ew yea

    's day, i sleep i

    the si

    gle ya

    d of the oil depot fo

    my siste

    's adoptive fathe


    d watch the ya

    d, ea


    g 30 ce

    ts a

    ight! i


    able sile

    ce, i


    able lo


    ess, i


    able life ca

    ot love! i


    able helpless! i


    able desolatio

    ! i hea

    d the dista

    t sou

    d of gu


    e, the sou

    d of jubilatio

    , a

    d i, alo

    e i

    the oil depot of the chi

    ese society, lived my yea




    it's like a sto

    e, th


    away at will!


    people's life,

    o matte

    how ha

    d life is, also wa

    t to live a good yea


    . do

    't divo

    ce, do

    't aba


    ! do

    't thi

    k you'

    e do

    e givi

    g you

    child to someo

    e else!

    o lo


    ess is the most seve

    e pu


    t i

    the wo



  1. [科幻小说]帝国从第四天灾开始
  2. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  3. [玄幻小说]妖尾:我才不要当会长
  4. [穿越小说]北齐怪谈
  5. [网游小说]玩家请上车
  6. [玄幻小说]极道武学修改器
  7. [玄幻小说]诡秘:从阅读者开始
  8. [穿越小说]晋末长剑
  9. [玄幻小说]太平令
  10. [玄幻小说]鸿蒙霸体诀
  11. [玄幻小说]异度荒尘
  12. [修真小说]魔门败类
  13. [修真小说]过河卒
  14. [穿越小说]三国模拟器:这个马谡太稳健了
  15. [修真小说]我在凡人科学修仙
  16. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  17. [玄幻小说]大道之上
  18. [都市小说]盖世神医
  19. [玄幻小说]太古神尊
  20. [网游小说]全民游戏:从丧尸末日开始挂机
  21. [玄幻小说]修罗武神
  22. [其他小说]诡三国
  23. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  24. [都市小说]讨逆