书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 表弟


    the day i was admitted to u


    sity, my cousi

    was ill a

    d me

    tally ill! he sat alo

    e o

    the balco

    y o


    oof, si


    g loudly! he did

    ot e


    the u


    sity, he is my au

    t's p

    ide, he is ha

    dsome, tale

    ted, i



    y school his callig


    obody ca


    e. his o

    ly weak

    ess is his love of sleepi

    g. i took a lo


    ce bus f

    om othe


    ties to my au

    t's house. it was 11:30 at



    d he did

    't get up! i'm at a loss!





    the mo


    g, at five o'clock, i took my b


    with me by bike. the people who swept the st

    eet alo

    g the way a

    d the u

    cle who pulled the wax gou

    d we

    e just the two people. dim st

    eetlights always illumi

    ate my b


    's di




    the me

    tal hospital, the little gi

    l sta

    ds o


    head o

    the wall, a

    d the you

    g ma

    talks about c

    oss talk. the old ma

    looks at you a

    d sta

    es at you u

    til you a

    e upset!

    i gave my b






    d took medici

    e. i took him back to xi'a



    e p


    y school.


    the seco

    d time i saw my b


    , my au

    t told me to take him to the a

    t school. i

    the academy of fi

    e a

    ts, my b



    ew a still life, which was ve

    y good! he looks like va

    gogh! lea

    ed without teache

    ! howeve

    , he bega

    to si

    g agai


    the cou


    d of the academy of fi

    e a

    ts! i k

    ew that he was ill agai

    , so i took him home i

    a hu





    the thi

    d time i saw my b


    , i met my au

    t i


    ew comme

    cial house. she looked


    vous a

    d hu

    ied away, sayi

    g that xiao was i

    a sa




    my home! i we

    t to the sa


    ium, the doo

    was locked,

    o visitatio

    ! f

    om the c

    ack i

    the doo

    , i saw a **all

    oom. the

    e was a ma



    g at the doo

    , a

    d he was talki

    g about divi

    e music. with tea

    s i

    my eyes, i walked away with g

    eat te



    i do

    't wa

    t to see you fo



    a few mo

    ths late

    , my b


    died of se

    ious ill

    ess! my you





    t so quietly!



    god if possible, let me go to die fo

    my b


    , i


    ge fo

    him, my au

    t's most ha

    dsome a

    d tale

    ted xiaozhe


    you ca

    't u



    d it! late

    , i

    aised flowe

    s i

    the balco

    y, how ca


    aise that c


    ! see the commu


    oadside gecko, like a t

    ee ge


    al lush, i u



    d, the o


    al, flowe

    s a

    d pla


    eed wi

    d a



    , people also

    eed wi

    d a



    ! the you




    is like the flowe

    s a

    d pla

    ts o

    the balco


    o wi

    d a




    o feed!




    i have

    o o

    e to ma

    age, wa



    g like a c




    oad, eve

    lush g

    owth! it is: i



    al pla


    g flowe

    s do

    ot ope


    o i



    to pla

    t willows to become useful!



    y of my you




    , my au

    t gave me a

    ed fu

    coat. i put it o



    ew yea

    's day a

    d w

    ote couplets i

    the st

    eet, just like my b


    evived, w


    g b

    ush cha



    i will always use w


    g to miss my b


    , to


    oduce his callig

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