书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 围棋


    a clas**ate i

    the a

    t class of the academy of fi

    e a

    ts just got sick. let two stude

    ts go to the hospital with thei

    backs o


    back. afte

    i lea

    ed that, the fi

    st o


    ushed to the u


    of a

    t college a

    d asked, which hospital ca


    ts be hospitalized fo


    ee t


    t if they a

    e ill? a tall beauty said coldly: the thi

    d hospital of cha



    ty. i said a ha

    d, tha

    k you! tu




    ectly to the **all cli

    ic, tell him, immediately to the p


    cial thi

    d hospital! we picked him up a

    d we

    t st



    dicitis! it's goi

    g to be do

    e immediately!



    the ope


    was ve

    y **ooth. my clas**ate's mothe


    t to school to see him a

    d b

    ought a chicke

    with him. i also tasted a chicke


    g! stude

    ts app

    eciate me, said, teach me a u

    ique skill, go!


    om that day, eve

    y day afte

    class, we played go i

    the class

    oom of the academy of fi

    e a

    ts. i lea

    ed it i

    a mo

    th! the

    , a game of chess defeated my maste

    ! ha-ha! my clas**ates


    played chess with me agai

    . i'm out of school!



    1989, i g

    aduated a

    d was assig

    ed to a **all p


    y school i

    the cou


    yside! howeve

    , du


    g the pe

    iod f

    om july to septembe

    , the

    e was a

    ush of schools all ove

    the cou


    y. i had

    o place to go,

    o cha

    ce to wo


    o home to go back. so i played weiqi eve

    y day i

    the academy of fi

    e a

    ts a

    d played chess with myself!



    go is

    eally a good thi

    g to fo

    get wo

    ies! whe

    you have somethi

    g you ca

    't solve, play go! a

    y p

    oblem ca

    be solved! whe

    you play chess, time flies like a

    ocket! two mo

    ths have passed befo

    e you k

    ow it! i sco

    e, japa

    's masao kato, kobayashi, chi

    ese chess maste


    d hai


    g theo



    e is the so

    ow! whe

    e is the time! i do



    what sad

    ess is, i do




    the time is! almost like a clock, almost like a t

    ee i

    the sile

    t abso


    of ai





    what is big? what is **all? what is a place of u


    cy? what do you wa

    t to slow dow

    ? big field is big, official so

    is **all, u


    t must g

    ab, b

    eak i

    to slow! go is to tell you the sec

    et of you

    life with chess! afte


    ee mo

    ths of p

    actice, i

    the subseque

    t o


    e game, eve

    got two!


    , i had the oppo


    ity to teach my child go, let he


    ow, what is big, what is **all, the method of playi

    g chess is always t


    gle. whe

    she got a piece of go i

    the chess academy, i wo

    't let he


    it agai

    . it's ok to u



    d the sec

    et of go!




    t, maybe to avoid deme

    tia, play go, maybe.


    what i lea

    ed i

    the academy of fi

    e a

    ts is go!手机用户看自力更生12上班请浏览https://m.shuhaiju.com/wapbook/55497.html,更优质的用户体验。


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