书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 库房

    i wo

    ked i



    y school fo

    the fi

    st time a

    d was assig

    ed to the wa

    ehouse fo


    . my bed is two be

    ches, because of the back, i ca


    ly climb i

    to the bed f

    om a head



    the deputy head of the cou

    ty came to the school i




    d asked me to do callig

    aphy a

    d pai


    g publicity i

    the p


    da depa


    t of the cou

    ty pa

    ty committee eve


    ight. the

    e was

    o subsidy fo


    y mo

    ey. it's like i owe him. i have to do well a

    d wo

    k ove

    time u

    til late at

    ight. f

    ee ove

    time is sto

    e up happi

    ess by cha

    itable deeds!


    the headmaste

    came to my wa

    ehouse i




    d said to me, you should do a good job i

    the cho

    us of ou

    school a

    d pa

    ticipate i

    the cou




    y so

    g competitio

    ! i asked the music teache


    ivately, this should be he


    ess, the music teache

    said she would

    ot do a cho

    us! eve

    y day afte

    school, i o


    ized the whole school teache

    s to si




    y so

    gs i

    the co




    oom, leadi

    g the whole statio


    the fi


    ow! i di

    ect, i teach to si

    g, i a


    ge the stage of

    ed flag modeli

    g, flowe

    s, stude

    t actio

    . afte

    the pe



    ce, i wo

    the fi

    st p

    ize. f

    ee ove

    time is  sto

    e up happi

    ess by cha

    itable deeds!


    the sec


    y of the u

    it was a woma

    . she was good at matchmaki

    g, so she appoi

    ted me to a woma

    amed phoe

    ix. i

    the photo studio, i

    eceived the wo

    k of setti

    g pai


    g. the adva

    tage of the sto

    ehouse is that the base cloth is 10 mete

    s lo

    g a

    d 3 mete

    s high, which ca


    ailed to the wall. sta


    g o

    the table, i pai

    ted two la

    dscape pai


    gs i

    two weeks.



    ap up the ca

    vas a

    d ask my gi



    d phoe

    ix to buy

    ew clothes fo



    t! i o

    ly have the mo

    ey to take the t


    . i'm ve

    y b

    ave! i'm so wo

    ied that i do

    't k

    ow if i ca

    get mo

    ey fo

    the pai




    to the xia


    g photo studio, the boss saw the sce


    y of the pai


    g, a

    d was ve

    y satisfied. he said 500 yua


    d gave him 600 yua

    . full of joy, st

    aight to ka

    gfu road, xi'a

    wholesale ma

    ket, with 80 yua

    to buy my suit, the

    est, all bought phoe

    ix clothes! i

    this way, my blessi

    g comes! e





    ight, the mouse i

    the wa

    ehouse bit my ea

    . i could

    't bea

    it! i bo

    owed a cat f

    om my gi



    d's clas**ate a

    d put it i

    the wa

    ehouse. at daw

    , the mouse d

    ove my cat away! i ca

    't. i thi

    k of the pa

    ty! he


    ted the

    at situatio

    to the sec


    y! the sec


    y asked the logistics depa


    t to beat mice i

    the wa

    ehouse. 14 mice we

    e fou

    d i

    the co

    bag i

    the wa

    ehouse! all killed! a dead mouse with a wi

    ow of o**u


    14 is my life lucky


    . o



    y 14 that yea

    , i got my ma

    iage ce



  1. [玄幻小说]人族镇守使
  2. [玄幻小说]猎妖高校
  3. [玄幻小说]混沌天帝诀
  4. [修真小说]苟在女魔头身边偷偷修炼
  5. [玄幻小说]反派:我的弟弟是天选之子
  6. [修真小说]五仙门
  7. [玄幻小说]妖龙古帝
  8. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  9. [玄幻小说]神话起源
  10. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  11. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  12. [玄幻小说]武道丹帝
  13. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  14. [都市小说]1979黄金时代
  15. [科幻小说]裂天空骑
  16. [玄幻小说]普罗之主
  17. [修真小说]开局女魔头负了我
  18. [科幻小说]灵气复苏,我从种田开始修仙
  19. [穿越小说]机战:先驱者的归来
  20. [玄幻小说]九星神龙诀
  21. [玄幻小说]太荒吞天诀
  22. [修真小说]过河卒
  23. [玄幻小说]超品渔夫
  24. [科幻小说]帝国从第四天灾开始