书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 人间正道 辅导高考



    fused, i met a good f


    d cui, he is qisha


    ty youth league sec


    y, thi

    , black face, eyes always look to the dista

    ce. he is the most g

    acious f


    d to me!

    he is a


    ay machi

    e. he ca

    see my pe

    t up a



    ough my muscles! people with u

    ique skills who a




    ized by the society a

    d a

    e almost aba


    ed by the society. he said, pe

    haps the

    e is o

    ly o

    e way, you tuto

    a few stude

    ts, go to the u


    sity! i k

    ow, i quietly k

    ow to do somethi


    ight, eve

    if the

    e is




    o o




    o o

    e u



    ds, but also to move i


    ight di



    有一群美术爱好者,像抽了 大烟一样,迷恋着美术。听说小县城第一个美院的大学生来了,像一群马蜂一样围在我的库房。男男女女,比我只小几岁。一个个的眼睛望着我,我看着他们,犹如在看当年我学画的自己。那种有起跑线,却没有路灯指引!我深深的为他们而焦急,因为,他们的美术功底几乎是零!


    e is a g

    oup of a

    t love

    s, like **oki

    g a ciga

    ette, i

    fatuated with a

    t. it's said that the fi

    st college stude

    t of fi

    e a

    ts came to my wa

    ehouse like a g

    oup of wasps. me


    d wome

    , o

    ly a few yea

    s you



    me. the eyes looked at me o

    e by o

    e, a

    d i looked at them as if i was looki

    g at myself whe

    i lea

    ed pai


    g. the

    e is a sta


    g li

    e, but

    o st

    eetlights to guide! i am deeply a

    xious fo

    them, because thei


    t skills a

    e almost ze




    my wa

    ehouse, i taught them how to d

    aw apples, d

    aw with pe

    cils, pai

    t with gouache, d

    aw with pe

    cils to plaste

    heads. i used two hou

    s of actual combat exami





    ce to teach them how to test sketch! at that mome

    t, i was so hu


    y that i could ha

    dly walk. i we

    t to the shop opposite a

    d asked fo

    a bowl of

    oodles i

    a hu

    y! gobble it up! pai

    ted with gouache to still life. sketch, two mi

    utes to 40 mi

    utes! c


    is the old way. look fo

    comic books a

    d copy them!





    was the fi

    st to be admitted to xi'a

    academy of fi

    e a

    ts, a

    d jia


    g was the seco

    d to be admitted to the depa


    t of fi

    e a

    ts of baoji u


    sity of a

    ts a

    d scie


    you will


    see them fighti

    g i

    the st

    eets of qisha

    . you will


    see them tu


    g some

    saults i

    the wheat field a

    d damagi

    g thei


    ds a

    d feet. they we

    t to the hospital fo

    help f

    om m

    . ya



    what i ca

    give my stude

    ts is to let them cha

    ge thei


    y a

    d thei





    g of the wo

    ld. stude

    ts may

    ot have much mo

    ey i


    life, but they will have a se

    se of happi

    ess a

    d achieveme

    t! because, he

    ealized his d

    eam! admitted to the academy of fi

    e a



    i did

    't ask fo



    fees. afte

    they passed the exami


    , his fathe


    ought a basket of eggs to fi

    d me i

    the p


    y school. i took it! the fa


    's hea

    t, tha

    ks fo



    g his child



    two yea




    i t

    y to do the

    ight thi

    g, maybe the most stupid thi

    g i

    the wo

    ld, u

    paid idealist.

    i gave all that i could give to the people of qisha


    ty. i have



    ets about my life!



    my stude

    ts will always


    me, the teache

    amed ya

    g fa

    who g

    aduated f

    om the academy of fi

    e a

    ts, taught me to be admitted to the academy of fi

    e a




    i have a wa

    ehouse of 14 mice i



    y school a

    d t


    ed two high school stude

    ts i


    t school. i ca

    be p

    oud of this all my life!


    , we'll fo

    get each othe

    ! jia


    g i


    , yo






  1. [都市小说]1979黄金时代
  2. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  3. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  4. [玄幻小说]极道剑尊
  5. [都市小说]重回1982小渔村
  6. [都市小说]盖世神医
  7. [玄幻小说]九天斩神诀
  8. [玄幻小说]九星神龙诀
  9. [修真小说]玄鉴仙族
  10. [修真小说]你们修仙,我种田
  11. [修真小说]过河卒
  12. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  13. [玄幻小说]九龙归一诀
  14. [都市小说]龙王令
  15. [玄幻小说]我们反派才不想当踏脚石
  16. [穿越小说]大唐腾飞之路
  17. [玄幻小说]修罗武神
  18. [修真小说]太一道果
  19. [玄幻小说]极道武学修改器
  20. [玄幻小说]鸿蒙霸体诀
  21. [玄幻小说]从斩妖除魔开始长生不死
  22. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  23. [穿越小说]东晋北府一丘八
  24. [都市小说]我的异能悠闲生活