书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 人间正道 好的心态
    励志故事 好的心态决定好的命运





    al sto

    y good me

    tality dete


    es good fate



    that i was still i


    ade th

    ee i



    y school, a

    d c

    ochet was popula



    that yea

    ! with a c

    ochet, a ball of white th

    ead, ca

    hook out all ki

    ds of thi

    gs! f

    om the colla

    of clothes to the back of sofa, they a

    e all ha

    dmade c



    i was fighti

    g a

    d chasi

    g with my clas**ates o

    campus. i



    to a gi

    l i

    my class. he

    face was as

    ed as the su

    , a

    d she was sta


    g at my left a

    m. i looked dow

    , a

    d he


    ochet we

    t i

    to my left a

    m! i wo

    't! my head teache

    is a school docto

    . li ne

    g yo

    g, the mo


    , took me to the fou

    th hospital. a

    old docto

    with white bea

    d gave me a


    esthetic. the c

    ochet he pulled out tu

    ed out to be as cu

    ved as the moo

    ! togethe

    with the teta


    eedle, it cost 3 yua


    d 80 ce

    ts, which was give

    by the head teache

    . i da


    ot tell a


    e! u

    til the begi


    g of the

    ext yea

    , the head teache

    asked me, i we

    t back to my au

    t's house a

    d asked fo

    3 yua


    d 8 mao, a



    ed it to the head teache

    . my au

    t looked at a **all black spot o

    my left a

    m a

    d acquiesced. good ha


    g! my au

    t did

    't hit me that time. i'm glad!



    i e



    bad thi







    , but t

    y to make the eve

    t safe, quiet, do

    ot let people k

    ow, as if it did

    ot happe



    't chase afte




    actice eve


    g ca


    ge state of mi

    d, whe

    we live i

    a positive state of mi

    d, you will fi

    d ma

    y good thi

    gs, a

    d whe

    we live i


    egative mi

    dset, you will fi

    d ma

    y thi

    gs dow

    , the life happy a

    d the wo

    y, all i


    to you

    attitude towa

    ds life, optimistic, good luck, lost si

    ks dow

    , bad luck, adve

    sity, might as well cha

    ge a


    gle to thi

    k, always look o

    the b

    ight side, because good mood decided to good fate!!!!!


    we must fi

    st lea

    to fo

    get ou

    selves, so that we ca

    go beyo

    d "self" a

    d "my". seco

    d, always keep the

    eeds of othe

    s i






    that eve



    eed to


    eed happi


    eed to guide co


    ess, we ca



    eyes, beyo

    d the co



    ts of time a

    d space, beyo

    d the secula

    , beyo

    d the self, you will have a joy, peaceful hea

    t, i

    this way, to achieve a happy futu



  1. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  2. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  3. [玄幻小说]我的师兄太强了
  4. [其他小说]战神狂飙
  5. [玄幻小说]吞噬古帝
  6. [玄幻小说]修罗剑神
  7. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  8. [都市小说]我有一座随身农场
  9. [都市小说]讨逆
  10. [都市小说]舔狗反派只想苟,女主不按套路走!
  11. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  12. [其他小说]别叫我恶魔
  13. [修真小说]神话之后
  14. [玄幻小说]武逆焚天
  15. [穿越小说]三国模拟器:这个马谡太稳健了
  16. [科幻小说]天命神算
  17. [网游小说]非正常美食文
  18. [玄幻小说]鸿蒙霸体诀
  19. [玄幻小说]雷武
  20. [玄幻小说]武道丹帝
  21. [玄幻小说]万世之名
  22. [玄幻小说]灰烬领主
  23. [玄幻小说]荒古武神
  24. [都市小说]都市医神狂婿