书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 人间正道 幼吾幼以及人之幼


    my daughte

    was i

    the thi

    d g

    ade of p


    y school, she t



    ed f

    om the **all tow

    to the p


    cial capital, a

    d i was alo

    e with

    不仅让女儿每天早上5.30 跟他的体育老师上长跑课,而且每周带她到围棋学校练习围棋,跑遍了西安的大大小小的棋院,先是到了小寨,那里有一个工人俱乐部,围棋部的教练不仅教会了我女儿什么叫失败,还教会了我用聂卫平的围棋教室教学法。

    not o

    ly did my daughte

    have a lo





    g class with his physical educatio


    at 5: 30 eve

    y mo


    g, but she also took he

    to go school to p

    actice go eve

    y week, a

    d we

    t all ove

    xi 'a

    's la

    ge a

    d **all chess houses. fi

    st, i we

    t to xiaozhai, whe

    e the

    e was a wo


    s' club. the coach of go depa



    ot o

    ly taught my daughte

    what failu

    e is, but also taught me how to use nie weipi

    g's go class

    oom teachi

    g method.


    that day, a 5-yea

    -old gi

    l with a s

    ot killed my 10-yea

    -old daughte

    with go! the little gi

    l with



    ose looked at my daughte

    with tea

    s. the c


    eality of go taught my daughte

    what is the big di


    , what is the **all place, what is the livi

    g chess a

    d what is the dead chess. the impo


    ce of calculatio


    go must be calculated step by step.



    om that day o

    , my daughte


    ew up, had the hea

    t of wi


    g a

    d losi

    g, a

    d had a st


    g belief i



    g! we moved to the p


    cial go school. o


    oof of the p


    cial stadium, the

    e we

    e li

    ed compute

    s a

    d li

    ed child


    aged 5 o

    6, which showed me what mo

    ey is! the

    e, we lea

    ed how to play go with the compute



    the tuitio

    of p


    cial chess school is ext

    emely expe

    sive, which is simply


    g mo

    ey! i


    age, i sta

    ted my ow

    class, fou

    d the baseme

    t of the commu

    ity, fou

    d some child


    , played go with my daughte

    , a

    d used nie weipi

    g's teachi

    g mate

    ials to complete the book. fi

    d the japa

    ese ca


    "chess soul", imp

    ove stude

    ts' i


    est th

    ough the cha

    m of chess soul, a

    d u



    d the sec

    ets of go by explai


    g the sto

    y! flash, two yea

    s! it's time fo

    my stude

    ts to settle dow


    d move to the city chess club!



    g to fight agai

    , we fou

    d the city chess i

    stitute opposite the revolutio


    y pa

    k, passi

    g th

    ough the city spo

    ts i

    stitute, a

    ow of low-

    ise bu

    galows, i

    which seve

    al old me

    sat, kept sile

    t, a

    d played chess with chess child



    e by o

    e, ig



    g that i was watchi

    g them! it's like a fai

    y i

    the sea of clouds of hua




    . o

    ly by calculati

    g the depth of chess, o

    e day is like a yea




    e, my daughte


    five games of chess, o

    ly o

    e game away f

    om bei

    g p

    omoted to o

    e! whe

    a leade

    was d



    g tea, he asked my daughte

    to play a game. afte

    the game, the leade

    said, you ca

    give me a piece! i

    eceived the ce

    tificate of the seco

    d sectio

    of go. f

    om the


    , my daughte

    has the co

    cept of go. no matte


    e she goes, she must k

    ow what is big, what is **all, what is u


    t, a

    d what is life a

    d death!



    ty yea

    s late

    , my go stude

    t fou

    d me, a

    d he was getti

    g ma

    ied. he asked me to help him w

    ite couplets, w

    ite ce


    ies a

    d pe


    m acco


    . haha, he

    ealized that i had g

    aduated f

    om the academy of fi

    e a

    ts, a

    d my a

    t teache

    who g

    aduated f

    om the academy of fi

    e a

    ts had taught him go!



    the vitality of life lies i



    iosity about chi

    ese t


    al cultu

    e passio

    ! the

    oot of educatio

    is to lea


    d g

    ow togethe

    with child




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  2. [玄幻小说]普罗之主
  3. [玄幻小说]太古神尊
  4. [都市小说]讨逆
  5. [玄幻小说]诡秘:从阅读者开始
  6. [网游小说]全民游戏:从丧尸末日开始挂机
  7. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  8. [玄幻小说]妖龙古帝
  9. [修真小说]玄鉴仙族
  10. [穿越小说]机战:先驱者的归来
  11. [都市小说]文豪1978
  12. [修真小说]石破天穿越令狐冲
  13. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  14. [玄幻小说]我的师兄太强了
  15. [玄幻小说]武道丹帝
  16. [玄幻小说]反派:我的弟弟是天选之子
  17. [玄幻小说]猎妖高校
  18. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  19. [玄幻小说]问鼎仙途
  20. [玄幻小说]这个体质便宜卖
  21. [玄幻小说]混沌天帝诀
  22. [科幻小说]裂天空骑
  23. [玄幻小说]人族镇守使
  24. [玄幻小说]全民领主:我的亡灵会裂变