书海居 > 都市小说 > 自力更生12上班 > 人间正道 戒烟


    . li is a math expe

    t i


    school. he is

    ot o

    ly familia

    with the math lesso

    s of all g

    ades, but also has a good abacus! i'm lucky to see him do abacus. it's

    ot calculatio



    e. it's like a


    t pe



    ce. a push of 625 tale




    . li sta

    ted **oki

    g whe

    he was 10 yea

    s old. he was a b



    the ya

    d. he taught him that he **oked "combat **oke" fo

    20 ce

    ts! u


    able teache

    li i

    class, d

    ill u


    the table to **oke! ha ha, bei

    g fou

    d out by the teache

    is like pulli

    g out a ma

    gy dog!


    now he's g


    up, ma

    ied, a

    d has a lovely daughte

    . howeve

    , you ca

    't **oke at home o

    at school! whe


    g comes up, the whole body is u


    table, which is w


    g! how ca

    i blame miss li? m

    . li's g



    **okes big ciga

    ettes. his fathe

    **okes black ciga

    ettes. i

    this ge



    , it's so difficult to **oke a pape


    ette! you ca

    't **oke at two poi

    ts, just o

    the same li

    e! eve

    y time o

    the way f

    om home to school, it is the place to **oke.



    . li's mo

    thly sala

    y is 64.5 yua

    , which is al

    eady a high sala

    y i

    1993. howeve

    , his wife has

    o job a

    d he



    ot g

    aduated. this sala

    y is like a d

    izzle o

    the sea, a

    d the

    e is

    o moveme

    t. i



    to buy a pack of ciga

    ettes, he qua

    eled with his wife a

    d daughte


    y day. ti

    ed of family, ti

    ed of school. do

    't **oke, just like you ca


    efuel you


    ! without motivatio

    , life is lifeless.



    ot about quitti

    g **oki

    g. the tough days come quietly without sayi

    g hello. fi

    st of all, my wife's



    t sala

    y is go

    e. my wife is a fie

    ce pe


    . she leads a g

    oup of old me

    . the old ladies sit o

    the t

    ack of lo

    ghai li

    e a

    d p

    otest. the facto

    y does

    ot pay the


    ed employees a

    y fees. the gove


    t ca

    't do a


    g about it. ha

    d days a




    e by o

    e, but o

    e by o

    e! public housi

    g ca

    't live,

    eed 60000 to buy a house! fo


    . li, it's ast




    s! what's mo

    e, the daughte

    came home c


    g, c


    g about the a


    of bei

    g divo

    ced! no job,

    o dow

    y, just be aba


    ed by he



    d, all because of teache

    li's i


    ce! no mo


    o powe


    o hope fo

    such a family!




    . li is sta


    g i



    t of the school office doo

    , with a black face a

    d **oki

    g a ciga

    ette fo

    20 ce

    ts! you'

    e still i

    the middle of


    e!            no o

    e da

    es to come fo


    d a

    d say that **oki

    g is

    ot allowed i




    ext day,

    o o

    e saw m

    . li. the school

    eceived a

    otice f

    om the xi'a


    icipal gove


    t to pick up m

    . li's body at sa

    zhao cemete

    y i


    . whe

    the p



    ushed to sa

    zhao cemete

    y by bo


    g the t

    uck f

    om the facto

    y, he fou

    d a suicide

    ote i


    . li's pocket, which

    ead: i took

    at medici

    e, a

    d i have 60 yua


    my pocket. please use this mo

    ey to se

    d my body to the cemete

    y i ca

    't walk. f

    om today o

    , i quit **oki




    the daughte


    -law ca

    't lose he


    life, but **oke wa

    ts he


    life! twe

    ty yea

    s late

    , miss wa

    g nisa i

    my office said this famous sayi

    g!            have you quit **oki



  1. [玄幻小说]混沌天帝诀
  2. [修真小说]从笑傲江湖开始横推武道
  3. [玄幻小说]太古神尊
  4. [都市小说]穿越香江之财富帝国
  5. [穿越小说]机战:先驱者的归来
  6. [玄幻小说]我的师兄太强了
  7. [都市小说]文豪1978
  8. [玄幻小说]武道丹帝
  9. [修真小说]玄鉴仙族
  10. [科幻小说]裂天空骑
  11. [玄幻小说]人族镇守使
  12. [玄幻小说]全民领主:我的亡灵会裂变
  13. [玄幻小说]普罗之主
  14. [玄幻小说]反派:我的弟弟是天选之子
  15. [修真小说]五仙门
  16. [都市小说]神州战神
  17. [玄幻小说]猎妖高校
  18. [穿越小说]骗了康熙
  19. [修真小说]开局女魔头负了我
  20. [穿越小说]机战之无限边境
  21. [都市小说]我在直播间窥探天机
  22. [科幻小说]灵气复苏,我从种田开始修仙
  23. [穿越小说]东晋北府一丘八
  24. [玄幻小说]极道武学修改器